SV: | rasdjur, rasren; rashund; rashäst, engelskt fullblod |
EN: | purebred; pedigree dog; purebred, thoroughbred |
FR: | de pure race; chien de race; pur-sang /anglais/, pedigree |
LA: | Canis; Cavallus |
SV: | red-billed quelea |
EN: | blodnäbbsvävare (Se:äbbsvävare) |
FR: | travailleur cardinal ou quéléa cardinal ou quéléa quéléa |
LA: | Quelea quelea |
SV: | regnbågslax, regnbågsöring/-forell, regnbåge (N.G. 1996/4) (Se: |
EN: | rainbow trout, steelhead, Kamloops trout |
FR: | truite arc-en-ciel |
LA: | Salmo gairdneri, Oncorhyncus mykiss |
SV: | ren;-kalv (vildren*), fjällren, tundraren (Da rensdyr, No rein)(Se: |
EN: | caribou ['---], barrenground caribou (US), reindeer; fawn |
FR: | renne; faon de renne |
LA: | Rangifer tarandus; Rangifer caribou= skogsren, karibo |
SV: | rentjur: sarv; härk (kastrerad); renko: vaja Se: |
EN: | See: |
FR: | Voir: |
LA: | Rangifer tarandus |
SV: | réunionkärrhök (Se:éunion) |
EN: | Réunion marsh harrier |
FR: | busard de la Réunion |
LA: | Circus maillardi |
SV: | revbenssalamandrar |
EN: | salamandrids |
FR: | salamandres |
LA: | Pleurodeles waltl |
SV: | revhäger Se: Sveriges Ornitologiska Förening: Revhäger |
EN: | western reef heron/egret, African reef heron ( |
FR: | aigrette des récifs, aigrette gorgeblanche/à gorge blanche (=vithalsad) |
LA: | Egretta gularis (gula=svalg) |
SV: | rhesusapa (Se: |
EN: | rhesus /monkey/ (See Animal Diversity Web; See also: |
FR: | rhésus |
LA: | Macacus/Macaca rhesus, Macaca mulatta |
SV: | Rhodesian ridgeback, afrikansk lejonhund (Se bl a |
EN: | Rhodesian ridgeback, Van Rooyen's Lion Dogs, the African Lion Hound or African Lion Dog (See: and http://en.wikipedia./wiki/Pedigree_Dogs_Exposed (ab. culling)) |
FR: | Le chien de Rhodésie (Rhodesian Ridgeback) |
LA: | Canis |
© P.O. Jacobson 1998